Recent Posts

October 15, 2022
Could You Have a Predisposition to Getting a Concussion?

Written By: Dr. Fiona Lovely, DC What if I told you that there was a way to predict whether you might be more likely to have symptoms when you hit your head than the person sitting next to you?  It’s true.  If we were to line up 10 people at random and ask them a few […]

July 4, 2024
Naturopathic Recommendations for Allergies

By Dr. Gayle Maguire, B.Sc, ND It's allergy season and many of us find ourselves reaching for medication for our itchy eyes and runny noses! When it comes to an ND's perspective, most natural approaches to allergies should begin prior to the season, as we hope to soothe and cleanse necessary functions in the body.  […]

June 24, 2024
Learn The Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Formulas.

Written By: Dr. Wanda Duong, DTCM For over a thousand years, herbal therapy has been used all over the world to address a range of health concerns. Looking to nature, those who studied Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), utilized different plant parts to improve and support health. Many plants and plant parts have unique therapeutic properties […]

May 27, 2024

Written by: Kira Greasley, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant With the warmer weather around the corner, I thought it would be important to revisit one of the principal components of all bodily fluid and function, WATER. The human body is composed of approximately 70% water and most people only consume enough liquid to quench a dry or […]

April 16, 2024
How Traditional Chinese Medicine can help with a Cancer Diagnosis

Written by: Dr. Vikki McGuire, DTCM We are all affected by Cancer. Whether you have been diagnosed or a close family or friend has, we have all struggled under the weight of this far-reaching disease.  The majority of people who get diagnosed go through a series of emotions: fear, confusion, self-doubt and STRESS.  In our […]

March 23, 2024
Musculoskeletal Syndrome of Menopause

Written by: Dr Fiona Lovely, DC Many women are arriving in clinic with complaints of stiffness, sore, achey muscles and joints without experiencing this previously.  These women tend to be 40+ in age and lack an injury to cause the discomfort.  It’s important to consider how your hormones at midlife may be affecting your body. […]

January 29, 2024
Disc Herniations and Schmorl’s Nodes

Written By: Dr. Evan Steinke, B.Sc, DC. Lower back pain can stem from a wide range of issues including disc herniations, however, not all herniations are the same. Schmorl’s nodes, named after the pathologist Christian Schmorl, were first described in 1927 and are a form of herniation. While they can occur in any part of […]

January 4, 2024
What is Auricular Therapy?

By Dr. Wanda Duong, DTCM, R.Ac., B.Sc., Auricular Therapy (AT), also called Auriculotherapy, is both a diagnostic and an integrative treatment procedure whereby the external surface of the ear, or auricle, is stimulated to alleviate conditions in other parts of the body. The principles of Auricular Therapy (AT) are based upon both Traditional Chinese Medicine […]

November 30, 2023
Athlete’s Shoulder

Athlete’s Shoulder - Resolving Shoulder Injuries with Active Release Techniques (ART) By: Dr. David Westmacott Athletic activities require a considerable amount of strength, coordination, and flexibility from the shoulder.  As a result, athletes participating in sports such as swimming, paddling, golf, baseball, and tennis, commonly develop shoulder injuries.  Unfortunately, when shoulder injuries occur they not […]

November 1, 2023
Menopause from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors Prospective.

Written By: Dr. Wanda Duong DTCM, R.Ac., BSc. and Dr. Vikki Maguire DTCM. The years leading up to menopause can bring tremendous changes to the female body. Although a natural biological process, menopause is not experienced the same by all individuals. Symptoms associated with menopause often create secondary symptoms that affect sleep patterns, energy levels, […]

October 1, 2023
The Common Link in Soft Tissue Injuries

Written by: Dr. David Westmacott, B.Kin, DC, RMT All athletes have one thing in common. Whether they have had one, are currently playing with one, or are at risk of getting one, the dreaded SPORTS INJURY is and always will be a part of sports play. Many questions arise with coaches and parents of the […]

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