For over 12 years, Dr. Clare Westmacott and Carole Westmacott have specialized in Women’s Health Concerns – including Women’s Bio-Identical Hormonal Health. Patients of all ages that have hormonal imbalances resulting in symptoms are treated.
We only use Bio-identical Hormones for hormonal replacement and we prescribe using physiologic doses which are based on the individual needs of each woman. With this approach hormonal symptoms can be greatly relieved. Part of the comprehensive assessment is accomplished by using Saliva testing for hormone levels and also to assess the balance of these hormones. As there is always a significant interaction between the hormones of the ovaries, thyroid gland and the adrenal gland – the functioning of all three of these glands is addressed in the treatment plan.
With the knowledge that hormone therapy alone is not enough – lifestyle, diet, supplements, exercise and how we think and feel are all parts of the assessment, investigations and treatment. An individualized treatment plan will be started on each patient, including appropriate referrals, as well as regular follow-up for maintenance of therapy. A major part of the treatment and maintenance plan includes the use of Homeopathy.[/fancy_box]
[titled_box title="MAKING AN APPOINTMENT" variation="slategrey"]To make an appointment with Dr. C. Westmacott MD, CCFP, MFHom(UK) and Carole Westmacott RN, please call Reception at AST – 403-278-1405 and you will be directed on making an appointment, downloading the patient information sheets and as this is non Alberta Health funded, the price structure for the visits.[/titled_box]