Discover the CORE to FLOOR Program by BTL

A Revolution in Wellness with EMSELLA and EMSCULPT Neo

When it comes to achieving total-body wellness, few approaches address the importance of core strength and pelvic health as comprehensively as the CORE to FLOOR Program by BTL. This innovative treatment plan combines two cutting-edge technologies—EMSELLA and EMSCULPT Neo—to target areas often overlooked in traditional fitness and wellness routines.

What is the CORE to FLOOR Program?

The CORE to FLOOR Program is designed to strengthen your core and pelvic floor muscles simultaneously, delivering transformative results for overall strength, posture, and confidence. It’s perfect for anyone seeking improved muscle tone, enhanced mobility, better bladder control, and increased physical performance.

Here is how EMSELLA and EMSCULPT Neo work together:


EMSELLA is redefining pelvic health with a non-invasive treatment that uses High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles. Often referred to as the “Kegel Throne,” this chair-like device helps rebuild muscle strength and improve neuromuscular control.

Key benefits of EMSELLA:


EMSCULPT Neo combines HIFEM and radiofrequency technology to simultaneously build muscle and reduce fat. This dual-action approach makes it one of the most effective body contouring treatments on the market.

Key Benefits of EMSCULPT Neo:

Why Combine EMSELLA and EMSCULPT Neo?

The pelvic floor and core are interconnected, forming the foundation of your body’s strength and stability. Weakness in either area can lead to poor posture, discomfort, and reduced physical performance. By addressing both simultaneously, the CORE to FLOOR Program offers a holistic solution.

Combined Benefits:

Who Can Benefit from the CORE to FLOOR Program?

This program is ideal for:

What to Expect During the Program

Each session is simple, non-invasive, and completely pain-free. You’ll begin with EMSELLA to target your pelvic floor and follow up with EMSCULPT Neo for core strengthening and fat reduction. Sessions are quick—usually under an hour—making them easy to fit into your weekly routine.

Transform Your Wellness Today

The CORE to FLOOR Program is more than a treatment—it’s a lifestyle upgrade. By strengthening your core and pelvic floor, you’ll not only look and feel better but also experience a renewed sense of control and confidence in your body. Ready to take the next step in your wellness journey?

Contact AST today to learn more about EMSELLA, EMSCULPT Neo, and how the CORE to FLOOR Program can transform your life.


Toilet Posture Matters!

Written By: Ellen Rossiter, Physiotherapist,

You may not know this, you may not even want to talk about it but toilet posture matters!

Have you ever heard of a Squatty Potty? The Squatty Potty is a stool that fits nicely under your toilet ready to be used when you need it, the concept is, by lifting your legs in a higher position when you go to the bathroom it helps drain all waste most effectively! Although this may make you laugh or possibly blush, these stools are excellent for putting your body in the best position to fully relax the pelvic floor muscles to allow you to “go”. 

Our bodies were designed to pass urine or stool/excrement in a squat position. Look closely at babies or young toddlers they intuitively know this. Yet western civilization has moved away from that by raising the toilets higher. With this technological advancement our bodies have not changed how our bodies are built. Since we may prefer these methods we can make a difference in our methods by bringing the ground up! 

Many of us have never given much attention to this topic. Yet sitting on the toilet properly helps remove waste effectively reducing abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and many more benefits. Next time you take a moment in the restroom consider your positioning to see the difference.  

Best Position

-Feet planted firmly on ground (or stool!) 

-Leaning forward (forearms on knees) 

-Knees above hips (if passing stool)

Why Does This Matter? 

Relax puborectalis -this muscle wraps around the rectum, and helps us remain  continent. In order to make it relax, we need knees to be above hips! This changes the muscle angle, and allows it to release its hold around the bowel. 

Relax the rest of the pelvic floor -the rest of the muscles at the bottom of the pelvis don’t know they should relax if your feet are dangling! Planted feet help the pelvic floor and the hips to relax.  

Avoid Strain -if we don’t relax the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles, it will cause us to strain when we void or pass stool. This can lead to issues like incontinence, or even hemorrhoids.  

Muscle Learning -If we try to use the toilet without relaxed muscles, we teach the bladder or bowels that it is okay to release even if muscles are not relaxed - this can lead to or exacerbate incontinence! 

Give It a Try! 

Please note: Any stool works for this purpose, the Squatty Potty or something of the like fit nicely around a toilet.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy: What is it and Who Can We Help?

By: Ellen Rossiter, PT

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is slowly becoming a more well-known option in the rehabilitation world, but what exactly is it?

Let’s start with the basics. The pelvic floor is the group of muscles and surrounding tissue at the bottom of the pelvis. It has many functions, the main ones being continence, support of organs, and sexual function. Everyone with a pelvis has a pelvic floor, they just look a little bit different based on that person’s sexual organs.

The pelvic floor, like any other muscle group, can become tight or weak based on activities, injuries or trauma, and day to day functions. This especially includes people who have carried children, as the pelvis changes to support the child in the womb, and those who have experienced childbirth, whether vaginal or caesarean. Tightness and weakness in the pelvic floor, or direct trauma to the pelvic tissues can then cause urinary or bowel incontinence, urinary urgency, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain and sexual pain and dysfunction. What is interesting, and lesser known, is that pelvic floor dysfunction can also manifest as hip and back pain.

Can it help even if I had kids, an injury, or a surgery 25 years ago?

Yes! It does not matter how long ago the issues started, there can usually be some benefit to working through a pelvic floor program. Many people suffer with symptoms for most of their lives thinking that it is too late to make changes, but that is generally not the case.

So what does a pelvic floor physiotherapist actually do?

Pelvic floor physiotherapists are able to assess both internally and externally to find out what tissue is actually causing the problem, whatever the problem may be. This may include a detailed discussion of experiences, assessment of the back and hips and other related muscles and joints, and an internal exam of the deep muscles and tissue that cannot be felt on the outside. This internal exam would be completed vaginally and/or rectally. Although general recommendations can be made without an internal exam, this exam is important to really understand what muscles or tissues are related to the specific issues, and what the appropriate course of action may be.

Once the assessment is complete, a plan can be made. The plan may include lifestyle modifications, exercises, stretches, dietary changes - the options are endless! This is also why a thorough assessment is necessary. If we don’t understand the root cause, it is hard to tailor a proper plan to meet the patient’s specific needs. One example of this is the common prescription of kegels to anyone who is incontinent; kegels can be good for someone with a weak pelvic floor, but can actually be detrimental if they have a tight pelvic floor!

But isn’t an internal exam awkward?

To be honest, yes it can be. The pelvis is a sensitive area for many reasons, and everyone has a different experience when it comes to that area. Everyone who performs an internal exam has had extensive exams completed themselves, so we have experienced the process. For this reason, I will always recommend wearing something comfortable, possibly bringing a cozy robe if you would like, and we will always move through the exam slowly. It is YOUR body, so YOU are completely in charge!

Key Points:

• Everyone has a pelvic floor, and it can be affected by activities, injuries, trauma, pregnancy and birth, surgeries, and much more.
• Pelvic floor PT includes thorough discussion, internal and external assessment, and a specific plan including manual work (possibly internal), a home program (including stretches and exercises) and lifestyle changes.
• Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help with: incontinence, urgency, prolapse, pain (pelvic, back, hips, etc), and sexual pain and function.
• It may be a sensitive area, but YOU are in total control of the entire assessment and treatment process.

If you think that pelvic floor physiotherapy could be of assistance to you, please book an appointment with our Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Ellen Rossiter, PT. Find our contact page here.

*This blog is not intended to officially establish a physician-patient relationship, to replace the services of a trained physician, naturopathic doctor, physical therapist or chiropractor or otherwise to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.