Preventing Injuries When Shovelling Snow

One of the most common winter injuries that we see in our clinic is lower back injuries from snow removal. If you’re not careful, this snowy chore can lead to serious pain and injury. As a Canadian, shovelling is just part of life so take a minute to read our winter shovelling tips.

Shovelling snow is considered an exercise. Think of shovelling snow the same way you think of any other exercise or physical activity. Which is great… if you’re ready for it.

Problems can arise if your body is recovering from injury, or you are not exercising regularly. If this is the case you might find a session of shovelling to be overwhelming to your body, especially after large amounts of snow have fallen and need removal. Here are a few tips on how to make the best of this regular winter activity.

Lastly don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Your family, your neighbour or a nearby friend. Everyone needs a little help sometimes and don’t be afraid to ask if you feel your body is not up to the challenge. You could also assign the task to someone else entirely!

If an injury does occur, our Unified Team Care approach is here to help.

Any of our Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Massage Therapists and more, are here to help keep your body safe and moving well this winter. 

Call 403-278-1405 or book online today at